Sunday, November 15, 2015

Broccoli, Green beans and Kale saute for Sunday lunch.[ Rice and Roti free lunch.]

Today's lunch was rice and roti free. I had left over king mackerel fish curry. I cooked simple saute with broccoli, green beans and Kale. Also made raita with Kumato Tomato. This is first time I tasted Kumato which I got last week from Aldi's store. King mackerel fish curry was made with onion+Tomatillo base, use of Tomatillo makes curry sour and brings nice thick and smooth gravy texture due to its pectin content. Lunch combination was very satisfying, I didn't miss rice or roti. I am briefly explaining saute and Raita recipes which are cooked in a very simple manner.

How to prepare Broccoli, Green beans and Kale Saute
Prepping the Veggies: Slice 10-12 green beans into 1-inch long diagonal shape, take  4-5 broccoli florets, slice each floret  lengthwise into 3  pieces, i have used broccoli florets with  almost 2 inch long stems. Put sliced broccoli florets and green beans in the microwave safe bowl filled with water, cook  for 4-5 minutes, drain the water and keep aside. Slice 3-4 garlic cloves lengthwise, finely chop one green chili. Separate Kale greens from stem, thinly slice stem and chop the leaf.
Cooking saute: Heat 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil in a small saute pan. Add  sliced garlic and green chili, saute for one minute. Add sliced kale stem, continue to saute for another one minute. Sprinkle a pinch of asafoetida (hing) and turmeric powder, stir for 25 seconds, Now add chopped kale leaf, saute for  about 3 minutes by adding 2 tbsp water, once water evaporates, add pre-boiled and drained broccoli and beans. Stir to mix all well, sprinkle one generous pinch of salt. Increase heat to medium high, saute for one minute then put off the gas. Drizzle half teaspoon extra virgin olive oil before serving. (serves one generous portion.)

Kumato Tomato raita in Yogurt.
Cut one  Kumato tomato into 4 pieces, remove seeds, cut into 1 cm  chunks. Whisk 1/4 cup whole milk yogurt, add one pinch of salt and 1 tbsp finely sliced mint leaves. Mix well, garnish with more mint leaves before serving.

Kumato tomato, Kale leaf, Broccoli, Green beans, green chili,garlic.


sm said...

very healthy dish

Usha said...

sm Thanks, now most of the meals I cook are simple and nutrition packed.

sm said...

Hi after so many days just came to see did you posted any new recipe
one suggestion - Just enable the share button using blooger options.
hope all is well

Usha said...

Hi sm, Thanks for stopping by..I published few posts but under old dates..I have several pending recipes, working on them as I get chance. I have created new label -"late published recipes". About share button, I removed it few days back because it was overlapping...but I guess it is better to enable it. I will change it. Thanks for the suggestion..soon I should able to update new posts.

Sujatha Sathya said...

Kale, kumato.....added some new words to my vocab :)

sm said...

Wishing you a happy Diwali

Unknown said...

Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables in the world. People should include this vegetable in their meals every now and then. It is nutritious and beneficial for skin, heart and liver.

Mantis Hugo
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Usha said...

Sujatha Sathya, I am glad you got to know new veggies..Thanks for visiting.

sm, Thanks for Diwali Wishes...sorry for late acknowledgement, hoping to be active in few days.

Mantis Hugo, Thanks for sharing goodness of broccoli.

Jason Martin said...

I'm in love with all the recipes with green beans.
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zomgcandy said...

very good information regarding kale greens. But to konw more visit our website at: how to cook kale greens

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