Monday, October 13, 2014

Mix vegetable Salad with Raw Mango, Ginger, Parsley Chutney dressing. [Chayote+Sweet Potato+Persian cucumber+Cranberries]

Today I am sharing one more salad recipe that I had prepared in April month to pack  in the lunch box. This salad was made  with available veggies and herbs in my kitchen. Sliced tender Persian cucumbers, julienned Chayote and Sweet potatoes were generously soaked with quick home made chutney dressing. Raw mango brought for the Vishu  Festival initiated me to skip vinegar and  prepare zesty salad dressing chutney. I coarse ground parsley, raw mango, green chilies, ginger in extra virgin olive oil, added little light agave nectar. This salad dressing chutney gave unique flavor to the salad. If you want  refreshing change from vinaigrette dressing salads try this chutney over salad, for more aromatic kick add fresh mango ginger.

Salad Veggies :
(Salad quantity servers one single full meal or 4 small servings as side salad.)
  • 2 small tender - Persian cucumbers ( sliced in two different shapes, rounds and sticks.)
  • 3 inch long - Sweet potato piece ( julienned ,1/2 cup)
  • 1/2 Chayote - seed removed, peeled and julienned, 3/4 cup)
  • 2 Tb.spoon - dried cranberries
  • 1 Tb.spoon - Extra Virgin olive oil

Ingredients for Salad Dressing chutney :
(Ingredients make little extra quantity dressing which can be used as chutney. I used it to make sandwiches.)
  • 1 Cup - tightly packed chopped parsley leaves (chop including tender stems.)
  • 2 green chilies - chopped
  • 1.5 inch - ginger piece - chopped
  • 1/4 cup - chopped raw mango pieces, heaping cup
  • 1/4 T.spoon - fine sea salt ( a pinch or two more to adjust salt level)
  • 1 Tb.spoon - Light Agave nectar or Honey.
  • 1 T.spoon - Lemon juice optional (use if  raw mango lacks sourness.)
  • 2 Tb.spoon - extra virgin olive oil

How to prepare Salad and Salad chutney dressing :
Preparing veggies.
Chop off both the ends of two Persian cucumbers, Slice one into 3-4mm thick round slices. Another cucumber slice lengthwise into 6-8 pieces, then cut them into one inch sticks. Transfer to a bowl.
Take half Chayote piece, peel the skin, remove seed and julienne. Transfer to a bowl.
Take a  3 inch long piece of sweet potato, peel the skin, julienne. Transfer to a bowl.
Preparing  Chutney Salad dressing.
Roughly chop handful parsley leaves including  tender stems. Peel 1.5 inch ginger piece, cut into small pieces. Finely chop green chilies. Cut out small piece from raw mango, peel the skin, remove seed portion, cut into small chunks to fill heaping 1/4 cup.
In a small blender jar combine, 1 cup tightly packed chopped parsley, chopped green chilies, chopped raw mango pieces, ginger pieces, 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1/4 tsp sea salt. Puree all into a coarse paste. Add 1 tbsp agave nectar, pulse for few seconds. (If mild sweetness is preferred, add half tbsp agave nectar, you can add more after salad is assembled.) Check the taste, it should be sour, spicy and sweet. If sourness is mild then add some lemon juice, adjust salt and sweetness as desired.
Assembling salad.
Place 4-5 tbsp salad dressing chutney over cut veggies, pour one tbsp olive oil. Add 2 tbsp dried cranberries. Stir  and toss to combine all well. Finally adjust taste by sprinkling some salt, lemon juice and agave nectar.


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