Monday, December 15, 2014

Sprouted Masoor stir fry with Broccoli, Celery, Red Radish - [Indian vegetable-lentil Sattvik Stir-Fry.]

Mix and match of three veggies with sprouted Masoor Dal created this wholesome sattvik  vegetable and lentil stir fry. I seasoned it with ginger, cumin, hing, turmeric, spiced it up with green chillies, cooked in extra virgin organic coconut oil and garnished with fresh grated coconut. This is what I packed for today's lunch box with two organic whole wheat mini rotis. I have used one week grown  Masoor sprouts  in this stir fry.

Ingredients :- (serves four portions as side dish. )
  • 2/3 heaping Cup - sprouted Masoor Dal/ Red lentils
  • 2 tender stalks of Celery - sliced in half moon shape (1 Cup yield.)
  • 1 small broccoli crown - stems chopped and florets broken into tiny pieces. (1 heaping cup yield.)
  • 5-6 - Red radishes - sliced into thin rounds.
  • 2 T.spoon - extra virgin organic coconut oil
  • 1 Green chilli - finely sliced
  • 1.5 inch - square piece of ginger - grated over microplane.
  • 1/4 T.spoon - cumin / Jeera + 1 more generous pinch.
  • 1 pinch -  hing (asafoetida)
  • 1/4 T.spoon - Turmeric powder
  • 1/4 T.spoon - fine sea salt
  • 1/4 Cup - lightly packed fresh grated coconut.
  • 1/4 Cup - fresh chopped cilantro for garnish.
How to cook Sattvic vegetable & sprouted Red Lentil Stir fry.
  1. Prepping the Vegetables : Clean thoroughly  two small celery stalks, make sure all sand residue is cleared, slice them into 1/2 cm thick half moon shape pieces. If celery stalks are not tender, peel out thin layer using potato peeler. Separate stems and florets from  handful size crown of broccoli. Chop tender stems finely, cut florets into half inch size pieces. Rub and clean 5-6 red radishes well, slightly chop off both the ends, slice into thin round slices. Put spouted red lentils into small bowl filled with water for about 5-6 minutes, gently rinse under running water, drain and keep it aside.
  2. In a medium size pot heat 1.5 tsp coconut oil,  Add 1/4 tsp cumin and half portion of grated ginger, let sizzle for 15-20 seconds, stir for 10 more seconds then add sliced celery. Saute over high heat for 3-4 minutes by adding 2-3 tbsp water. Cook until  the water has nearly evaporated.
  3. Now add chopped green chili, a pinch of hing and 1/4 tsp turmeric powder. Stir and mix well then add chopped broccoli stems and florets. Cook on medium high heat by adding 1/4 cup water, stir at regular intervals, about 3 minutes. Add sliced red radishes, save some slices for last colorful garnish because in cooking process bright pink color of red radishes fades away.  Mix and cook for one minute. Reduce heat to medium.
  4. Next add  2/3 heaping cup sprouted masoor Dal, reserved grated ginger, 1/4 tsp fine sea salt,  mix and continue to saute over medium heat. Take one pinch cumin, sprinkle over veggies by crushing between two finger tips. (coarse cumin powder can be used.) If pan dries out add 2-3 tbsp water. After 3 minutes drizzle  1/2 tsp coconut oil,   Saute for 3 more minutes.
  5. Check and adjust salt level, check if veggies are tender enough. Add remaining red radish slices, sprinkle fresh grated coconut and cilantro. Shut off the heat, let stay over stove for some time, about 5 minutes before serving with rice or roti or enjoy bowlful of this stir-fry as a meal or use as Taco filling.

Adding Sprouts once Veggies are cooked.

3 veggies and Sprouted Lentil Sattvik stir-fry.

  One week grown Masoor sprouts.

Red Lentil Sprouts.

Recipe published on  3rd April,2016.


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