Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Curry leaf plant containers invaded by Amaranth plants and grass. [Black and White Wednesday #138]

I have few containers with  small curry leaf plants, they all survived this passed harsh winter. After April month I took them out of  garage, within few days containers  were invaded by Amaranth plants and grass. It looked pretty so I let them grow until now. Soon I will clear all the pots so that curry leaf plants start growing freely, hope this year they all grow bigger and stronger. I am sending this black and white image to Susan at The Well Seasoned cook, who is hosting this weeks BWW #138. She is  also the founder of this event. Currently Cinzia of Cindystar looks after all admin duties. Next week Lynne will be hosting BWW #139  at Cafelynnylu.

  Black and White Wednesday Event #138


  1. that is a lovely pic.. I also tried this last year but sadly the winters were too cold and nothing survived in my garage ..


  2. Thanks Bikram, My one curry leaf pot could not survive, Once they grow up stronger then they don't die.. Plant new one and this time keep it near window inside home.

    Thanks for stopping by.
