Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sliced Zucchini - Black and White Wednesday #100

Tomorrow, 9th October 2013,  Black and White Wednesday event  will be celebrating its 100th  Edition. Cinzia  of  Cindystarblog is  hosting this event who also takes care of admin duties for this event. Susan, author of TheWell Seasoned Cook is a founder of this event. For all guidelines  and an index of  all future event hosting blogs please check Cinzia's  post  here. Participants can join Flickr group created for B&W event. Next event (BWW #101, 16th October-2013) will be hosted by Urvashi of  BuddingHomeMaker.

This week I am submitting my 15th Black and White image. It was a great joy to participate in this event, it added a unique personality to my blog, initiated more creativity and helped me to improve food photography. Thanks to Susan , Cinzia and all the bloggers who hosted this event and shared their beautiful images. My this weeks image is  sliced Zucchini. I clicked this image before cooking  stir fry for lunch. I love to cook with Zucchini for its taste, texture and green and white color contrast. 

Sliced Zucchini

Black and White Wednesday
 Event #100


  1. Lovely image Usha. And BWW of course, is such a wonderful event!

  2. Great shot, Usha, so glad you keep on participating!

  3. Priya, Thanks for stopping by, you are right BWW is one of the very unique event.

  4. Cinzia, I love to participate in BWW event. Thanks for managing this event.

  5. What a neat work you've done. And a nice photo too.

  6. Simona, Thanks for stopping by, Zucchini is beautiful vegetable, cutting and slicing is more joy because of its smooth texture.
