Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Black Swallowtail Caterpillar on Parsley herb Plant. [Black and White Wednesday #102]

This week for Black and White Wednesday event I am submitting image of Black Swallowtail Caterpillar on parsley stem. In September month I spotted one Caterpillar on parsley herb plant which is growing in the pot along with chives. I  gently lifted  caterpillar along with stem and moved it over the lawn but next day it returned back on parsley plant. It looked very pretty with black stripes, yellow dots over bright light Green body. After googling  I was pleasantly surprised to know that the same caterpillar transforms into a beautiful  Black swallowtail butterfly.

Susan, author of TheWell Seasoned Cook who is also a founder of this event is hosting Black and White Wednesday #102. Now Cinzia of  Cindystarblog  looks after admin duties for Susan's Black and White Wednesday Event. For all guidelines  and an index of  all future event hosting blogs please check Cinzia's  post here. Participants can join Flickr group created for B&W event. Next event (BWW #103, 30th October-2013- Hallowen Edition) will be hosted by Lynne  of  CafeLynnylu

Caterpillar took  three hours to finish eating one stem of Parsley.
I had plucked and placed it over  side walk, later moved it over mulch.
(Check lower right image for end result.)

Black and White Wednesday
 Event #102, 23rd October-2013


  1. Enough parsley to share with all!

    Charming photo, Usha. Thank you for joining BWW!

  2. Susan, Thanks, I love to participate in BWW event.

  3. sm, Thanks..that caterpillar was very pretty with beautiful colors.

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