Sunday, December 5, 2010

Seasons first winter snow fall in Cary, NC.

Saturday, 4th December mother nature blessed our city with  seasons first snow flurries  which left over an inch thick fluffy accumulation of snow. May be we will get 3-4 times more snow in this winter season. This was perfect dose of snow because within few hours it stopped snowing and by night roads were clear for travel, schools didn't close, every one was back to work next morning. Around noon time shower of flurries started and continued till late evening. A true heavenly experience..My pleasure to share those beautiful snow captures with you all...Enjoy!!

Around noon it started to snow.........

In few hours it accumulated almost an inch of snow.This view is from kitchen side.

Weber's Charcoal grill got covered with snow.

My Rosemary Herb plant in the pot....

Same spot where I had taken few fall pictures.

Fluffy soft snow covered all plants and trees and ground.

Simply enjoy these following  3 pictures of  the  circle.


  1. Awesome picture.

    First and probably last snow though :))

  2. Such lovely pics.Enjoy the wonderful days.And all seasons greetings in advance.

    Will be helpful 4 me in few days..thnk u:)

  4. Hi usha,
    I am here through A .The sky patten capture was so amazing.what exactly were those brimming lines?

  5. Hi Usha! Glad to stop by - I am a friend of @A!

    Nice pictures and great blog! Will return for more refreshments...

  6. Beautiful pictures Usha...

    I came here from A's blog. Glad that I came and will return soon...

    Happy Snowy days... :)

  7. Lovely Pics. I am yet to experience snow. :(

  8. A .. Thanks for your comments and mentioning this post on your blog..I was delighted to see all your buddies visiting here.

    This is not last snow..I guess we are going to see 2-3 times more.

  9. Dr.Antony, Thanks..I am enjoying this wonderful times winter gets too harsh but still it is joy.

  10. Neeha, Raji, NriGirl, Stranger, Jyothi. Warm welcome ladies and thanks for your gracious visit via A's blog.(

    @ Neeha, Thanks. You are welcome to come up with your cooking queries.I will be glad to help you.

    @ Raji, Thanks for visit. Those straight line patterns in sky are formed by small must have seen that certain types of planes leave smoke trail behind and that stays in sky for some time...It was sunset time and at least three planes have passed leaving those line patterns..In India we used to call those planes as rocket. I am not sure why only those small planes leave those smoke marks?

    @ NriGirl, Nice to see you don't need introduction..I know you almost for a year now through A's blog.Thanks for taking moments to stop by.

    @ Stranger, Thanks for your visit and comments.

    @ Jyothi, Nice to see you back..Hope you get to enjoy snow some time soon. :)

  11. Dolly , thanks. We are going to have more snow today and it is over 2 inches...that is much more than this first snow.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. :)
