Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sprouting Moong Beans inside warm oven. {Black and White Wednesday #91}

This week for Black and White Wednesday event I am submitting image of  sprouted Moong Beans. Few days back  for the first time I sprouted moong beans inside the oven by maintaining warm temperatures, it worked very well. I was to keep  dosa batter in the oven  for fermentation, also kept soaked moong dal alongside batter without knowing if it would bring any better results. I soaked Moong beans in water on Sunday morning and  by Monday noon fully sprouted moong beans were ready to cook, that is around 30 hours of total time to sprout moong beans. I  had covered soaked moong  beans inside wet thick paper towel and placed  it inside vented plastic basket.  I will be doing similar experiments with other beans and lentils.

This week Susan from The Well Seasoned cook  is hosting Black and White Wednesday Event #91, who is also a founder of this event. Now Cinzia of  Cindystarblog is a new admin for Susan's Black and White Wednesday Event. For all guidelines  and an index of  all future event hosting blogs please check Cinzia's  post here. Participants can join Flickr group created for B&W event. Next event (BWW #92, 17th July-2013) will be hosted by Simona of  briciole

Black and White Wednesday
 Event #91, 10th July-2013


  1. Nice capture Usha :) I somehow rarely sprout beans. Time to make them!

  2. Priya, Thanks. Sprouting is very rewarding activity...I too didn't sprout for long time but this oven experiment got me back to sprouting...I also sprouted Yellow Vatana but it didn't work like moong beans...I will let you know once I finish publishing my sprouting posts, I have many images to share.

  3. So pretty. The great natural textures translate well to B/W.

    Thanks, Usha, for sharing your shot for BWW!

  4. Susan, It is always pleasure to be part of BWW event, thanks for your appreciation.

  5. sm, Thanks..These sprouts look naturally so beautiful, all I did was placed it over cement floor of patio and clicked.
