Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Growing Garlic in a pot. {Black and White Wednesday #87}

This is my  eleventh image submission for Black and White Wednesday event #87, 12th June, 2013. Jasmina from JazzyKitchen is hosting the Event. Susan, author of TheWell Seasoned Cook is a founder of this event. Now Cinzia of  Cindystarblog is a new admin for Susan's Black and White Wednesday Event. For all guidelines  and an index of  all future event hosting blogs please check Cinzia's  post here. Participants can join Flickr group created for B&W event. Next event (BWW #88, 19th June-2013) will be hosted by Sreevalli  of  AmmajiRecipes.

This week I am submitting image of pot harvested Garlic. Many times I collect  vegetable scraps and waste, add it in pots with layers of soil, dry leaves. After few months that pot yields healthy soil. During September -October month I had put some vegetable waste in the pot, it had some sprouted garlic cloves. After few days I noticed  few  green sprouts in the pot.  I doubted it to be Garlic. After few days  one more small garlic plant rose up. We had quite harsh winter this year but Garlic plants stood all green and healthy. By early first week of June I pulled out small plant and was amazed to see tiny garlic bulb. On 9th June  I took out the big one which has a big size garlic bulb. I have placed  both bulbs in a basket  to dry. It took around 8-9 months to harvest garlic in a pot. Now I plan to press few more sprouted garlic cloves in a containers. Scroll down to see more images of Garlic plant.

{B&WW#87]  Pot Harvested Garlic.

Cold, frosty, snowy weather kept Garlic plants all Green.
Image taken in mid January.

By end of the March Garlic plant was well grown.

By second week of June stem started to dry out. 
It was time to pull out garlic plant.

A well grown garlic bulb out of pot.

small garlic bulb was pulled out one week before.
All most   8-9  months to harvest  garlic in a pot.

Black and White Wednesday
 Event #87


  1. How cool that you got this bulb from composting your vegetable scraps! And I love the way that you are composting in pots. How brilliant.

    I especially like the b&w photo with the contrast of the soil on the bulb and the crazy shape the leaves fell into.

  2. Your garlic looks beautiful! And the photos are lovely.

  3. Elizabeth, Thanks for taking time to check the post and leaving encouraging comments. Due to townhome community restrictions I have to use pots for composting. I have composted used tea powder in two it is time to use it for planting new plants.

    soil and bulb color contrast made me use the image for B&W event.

  4. Simona, Thanks for stopping by and appreciating Garlic images.

  5. growing garlic
    nice photos
