Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Black and White Wednesday # 85, {Onion, Cilantro, Florida Hot Green Chili Fritters.}

This is my Ninth image submission for Black and White Wednesday event #85, 29th May, 2013. Priya from Humpty Dumpty Kitchen is hosting the Event. Susan, author of TheWell Seasoned Cook is a founder of this event. Now Cinzia of  Cindystarblog is a new admin for Susan's Black and White Wednesday Event. For all guidelines  and an index of  all future event hosting blogs please check Cinzia's  post  here. Participants can join Flickr group created for B&W event. Next event (BWW #86, 5th June-2013) will be hosted by Deepali Jain of  Confusion Kitchen.

This week I am submitting image of fritter made with Onion,Cilantro leaves, Cilantro stems and Florida hot green chillies. These fritters are shaped like birds nest and are gluten free and Eggless. Besan flour (gram flour) is used for binding. I  was left with one single fritter to take an image so did extra styling to make fritter look appealing. I have placed tomato ketchup, mint leaf, sage flowers. These tiny circles are root portion of Beetroot, which are peeled, sliced and arranged. Check Fritter recipe post here.

Onion, Cilantro, Florida Hot Green Chili Fritter.

Black and White Wednesday
 Event #85

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