Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My first blog event entry for Susan's Black and White Wednesday Event #76, a weekly culinary gallery. {Images of Green peanuts, French green lentils and Purslane}

Since long time I was wishing to join Susan's Black and White Wednesday event but could not catch up. Today I am pleased to join her event with two images which I failed to submit earlier. Susan from Well seasoned cook is the founder of this  unique weekly event  where she invites  Black and white images relating to food. Classic look of  heart warming black and white images  portray beautiful texture and emotional essence. I am thankful to Susan for initiating me to give an appreciative look at black and white images/photography.

Now Cinzia of  Cindystarblog is a new admin for Susan's Black and White Wednesday event.For all guidelines  and an index of  all future hosting blogs please check her post here. Participants can join Flickr group created for B&W event.

I am contributing following two images  to Black and White Wednesday Event - Week #76  March 27, 2013  which is being hosted by event  founder Susan of  Well Seasoned Cook.

 Curry recipe - French Green lentils and green peanuts.

Purslane an edible weed. Check published post 

Black and White Wednesday Event #76


  1. thanks
    I updated 8th number is Hungary

  2. like the b and w photos of peanuts

  3. lovely images! is this a contest?

  4. your images are really great. specially the first one.

  5. sm,Thanks for update and glad you liked peanut image.

  6. debajyoti,Good to see you here, This is not a contest, it is weekly event where black and white images are invited. I am planning to submit at least twice a month. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Tanu, Welcome to my blog, I am glad you liked these images.Thanks for taking time to stop by.

  8. So glad you joined in BWW, Usha.
    :} Your purslane is especially pretty.

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Susan, It was great pleasure to convert these images to black and white tone,Thanks for inspiration and creating BWW event. I am looking forward to participate more often.

  10. nice recipe thanks for posting

  11. Hi
    How I share your post to my social friennds? I found a new topic that have to share my friend immediatly. Because of I am a food lover and lot of my friends are foodie. I am also a new cooker but still do not know how to cook delicious food.I want to save my time to cook thats why I am finding a blender. Which blender you use to blend your cooking? Could you mention me a best small blender for me which you use. I want to make me a good coocker. I hope you will help me reach out a good coocker.
