Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013...Sunset of 31st December. Morning time backyard bird watch on first day of the New year. First time sighting of European Starling in the backyard.

New year Greetings to all my followers, readers and visitors. I wish  you all a very  Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and successful  New year ahead.

During the peak winter time when nature is resting, one
 single beautiful  light pink Gerbera Daisy bloomed in the pot.

On the last day of the year I spent few moments watching the setting sun, it was beautiful Sunset with mix of Grey and  orange clouds. I watched it until bright orange glow vanished and horizon turned all grey. Our first day of the year  started with cloudy, cold and rainy weather. Morning time few birds came to eat seeds from the bird feeder. For the first time I spotted European Starling, also known as Common Starling (sturnus vulgaris). As soon as they landed over lawn they found suet feeder and made few rounds to eat. I could take few pictures through window glass. One more surprise was Squirrel, with her acrobatic stretching skills she made her first entry to the bird feeder. In just two attempts she drained all seeds and by evening she broke two resting hooks of the bird feeder, now I need to buy new  Squirrel proof bird feeder. Enjoy the images taken on the first day of the year.

Common Starling with beautiful black and brown body
  covered with brilliant white spots.

European Starling in NC backyard.

Squirrel skillfully got hold of bird feeder, behind is the suet box.

Squirrel makes second attempt to grab bird feeder.


On the first day of the year I cooked Mix Dal with Black Urad Dal, Quinoa and Masoor. This two whistle pressure pan Dal does not use any powdered spices instead I used whole cloves, shahijeera, black pepper and bay leaf. I will blog Dal recipe in the next blog post.

 Happy Healthy 2013...


  1. Happy New Year
    beautiful pictures

  2. sm, Happy new year to you too..Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Happy New Year Usha. Lovely pictures as usual. :)

  4. Jyothi, Thank you and same to you..nice to see you around.
