Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Images and video of female American GoldFinch eating boxwood basil seeds, Amaranth/Thotakura Seeds and Black-Eyed susan flower seeds.

Since last few days one pair of American goldfinch is visiting my patio garden to pick  seeds from  boxwood basil plant and Amaranth plant (thotakura/Maathachi bhaji). Both the plants are placed close to my patio door and I am able to see them from living room through patio glass door. Every day these birds make two or  three rounds to pick seeds, they smartly cling to the plant from different directions.  It was fun to observe this pair of American goldfinch while picking seeds. After picking Amaranth and basil seeds, they will jump over to black-eyed susan flowers. Enjoy few pictures of male and female American Goldfinch and one Video of female goldfinch  captured while picking boxwood basil seeds.

Female GoldFinch clinging to Amaranth plant for picking seeds.

Male yellow Finch is beautifully clinging to Amaranth plant.

Video of American GoldFinch picking BoxWood Basil Seeds.

Female goldfinch is  gripping  over black-eyed susan flower to pick seeds.

 American GoldFinch (Carduelis tristis) Eastern Goldfinch / Wild Canary

Female American goldFinch sitting amid  boxwood basil bloom.

Male American goldFinch

Maathchi bhaji

Boxwood Basil Plant before blooming.

Amaranth / Thotakura - Green leafy vegetable


  1. beautiful pics
    like the video

  2. You have a lovely garden Usha. Amazing and timely capture of those beautiful birds :)

  3. Mak, not exactly garden but have few assorted pots placed around home.I was lucky to get those few beautiful bird captures. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Bikramjit, Happy to read that you enjoyed this birds post.Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Nice captures indeed. I love it when birds visit the garden. This is something I miss miserably here. All I see are pigeons. Sparrows too used to visit previously, but now they seem to have disappeared too. :-(

  6. Jyothi, Oh! only pigeons..Dubai instantly reminds me of Falcons. Here we have many birds and this year house finches are seen through spring and summer. Last few days no bird spotting, all are gone away..but they will come back..Thanks for your visit.

  7. You have a amazing garden, just visited ur blog got few recipe ideas,happy to know that u too stay at cary

  8. Charulatha, Welcome to my blog, glad to know you are following my blog from Cary.

    In summer I enjoy doing some pot gardening. I have planted few flowers, herbs and roses. I have to yet share few summer garden posts...stay in touch.

    Thanks for taking time to check my blog and following it. :)
