Tuesday, March 20, 2012

20 minutes walk around home on a Beautiful foggy morning in Spring.

Monday, 19th March morning was exceptionally beautiful, very peaceful  with dense fog all around. It was  around 8 a.m.  I took  20 minutes walk around community, clicked almost every minute with cell phone camera. White Dogwood flowers are currently in bloom in the city. I took few pictures keeping flower bloom in the background. As I headed back to the home suddenly it brightened up all around, Sun was trying to shine through  the clouds, it was mesmerizing peaceful moment, it felt like a momentary withdrawal from the world and in a deep connection with super natural power. I am happy to share my fog walk pictures with you. I have posted photos in the same order of capture,  also at the end I have added few previously clicked images of misty morning. Enjoy!!

Dogwood flowers bloom in Cary, NC.

pleasant moment of watching sun with direct eye contact.

4 Canadian Geese flew while I clicked Sun.

Tender young oak tree leaves and catkins in spring


Previously taken Fog pictures

November 9, 2011 - foggy neighborhood lane.

same above spot without fog on a clear sunny day.

I-40 East - Nov 22nd 2011

Raleigh blvd...(march 22nd)

Bare and leafless tree clicked while passing on 
Martin Luther king Jr. Blvd.(26th Jan)


  1. what an excellent tour ushaji through pictures. no wonder there is a saying "A picture is worth a thousand words"
    The fog and sunlight are captured beautifully in the photos.

  2. Bharati, masta aahe blog. Savkashine vachate. Photos are excellent.

  3. Kumar, Everything was naturally beautiful that day...I kept clicking.Happy to know that you liked those pictures. Thanks.

  4. Mohana, Welcome here...I am so glad to get connected to you via blog. Thanks for your comments. :)

  5. It is always amazing to walk in the serene mornings. Your pictures tell the tale. Beautiful :)

  6. Thanks Mak...it was one of the most beautiful morning, I made this post to mark the memory.
