Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Spicy Chicken Curry with Chili+Spice Fusion & Fingerling Potatoes

Friday evenings, cravings are always high for something extra-special , extra-spicy Non-Veg curry. I mixed different chilies + exotic spices and made this extra vibrant spicy Chicken curry. Mix and Match of two mexican chilies with Indian Byadagi chili gave nice red , fiery tone and heat to the curry, addition of Kabab chini and Nagkesar spice kicked in bold aroma. Tiny organic fingerling potatoes gave good balance and paired well with chicken pieces. You will never stop yearning for this zesty Chicken curry.

  • 3.5 pound chicken - cut into medium pieces, marinate with salt.( I used 4 chicken breasts with rib meat. You can use whole chicken or your choice of chicken pieces.)
  • 3 large onions - finely chopped ( yield 3 cups)
  • 2 inch piece ginger - finely crushed
  • 1 whole garlic - peeled and finely crushed
  • 3 Tb.spoon oil
  • 1 Cup - finely chopped fresh cilantro
  • 25-30 fingerling potatoes -(tiny and round potatoes match better, pierce 2 holes through each potato with toothpick or metal skewer.)
Spice Blend :-
  • Kabab Chini - 7-8 pieces
  • Nagkeshar - 6-7 pieces
  • Cloves - 8-10
  • Cumin - 1 T.spoon
  • Fennel seeds - 1 Tb.spoon
  • Cardamom - 2
  • Bay leaf - 3 inch long one leaf
  • Cinnamon - 1 inch piece
Chili fusion :-
  • 1 Guajillo chili - 6-7 inch long ( you can use two small chilies)
  • 6-7 Arbol chilies - ( reduce - if you need less heat)
  • 4-5 whole byadgi chilies.
Mix all spices and chilies together in small blender jar - Make fine powder.

Guajillo chilies (L) / Byadagi chilies (R) / Arbol chilies (C)

Curry Preparation :-
  1. Heat heavy bottomed thick gauge pot ( minimum 4 qt capacity). Pour 3 tbspoon oil. Add chopped onions and saute on medium heat for 7-8 minutes until they turn soft and translucent.
  2. Add crushed ginger and garlic..mix with onions and saute for 1-2 minutes on medium heat. Keep stirring.
  3. Add Spice & Chili powdered blend and saute for 2 minutes on low heat. Take immersion blender and coarsely puree onion and spice blend. This may take just one minute. If you don't have immersion blender then take half quantity of onion-spice mixture and puree in blender.
  4. Place marinated chicken pieces - Mix well with gravy base. Let it simmer on low heat for 4-5 minutes with covered lid. Keep stirring to avoid sticking at bottom.
  5. Pour in 1.5 cup water along with fingerling potatoes - mix all well - sprinkle few fresh chopped corriander leaves,little salt. Cover the lid and let it simmer on medium heat for 10-12 minutes. Do stir at interval.
  6. Enough gravy will be generated with inside steam , nice red colored oil layer will float on the surface. Check seasonings and add little more salt if required. If you desire more liquid gravy then add upto 1 cup water.
  7. Sprinkle some more chopped fresh cilantro , reduce heat to medium low and let curry simmer for another 8-10 minutes with covered lid. Stir at regular interval.
  8. Cook this curry ahead of time to get the most zesty flavors. Finish cooking at least one hour before serving.
  9. Lastly garnish with remaining cilantro and serve hot with rice / roti.

Fingerling potato plants growing in a large Pot.


  1. Sudha, Welcome to my blog...thanks for visit and compliments. :)

  2. hi usha,

    first time to ur blog, you have a beautiful space with yummy and healthy collection of recipes. i bookmarked some your recipes ... i liked the use of quanoi is some of ur recipes ... looks yummy...this chicken curry also looks colorful and spicy...happy to find u

    if u get time do visit my blog


  3. Nice picture. I am sure it tastes good.

  4. Satya, Welcome to my blog..I am so glad that you liked few recipes..thanks for the compliments and I will be very happy to surf through your blog soon.

    A , Thanks. Chicken curry tasted great..try this spice+chili combination..you will sure like it.

  5. Looks absolutely delicious. I would love to eat that.

  6. Chilli and Mint, I am glad to know that you loved this chicken curry.

    Thanks for taking time to visit the blog.
