Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bing cherry, Beetroot & carrot salad with Raspberry flavor.

Today I cooked Bing Cherry and Beetroot salad for dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day...preparation was simple. Bright color and fruity taste made a sweet addition in Valentine's Day spirits.

Ingredients :-
  • 1/2 Cup Beetroot - cut half inch long in broad stick pattern.
  • 15-20 Bing cherries - cut each cherry lengthwise into 4 pieces, discard seeds.
  • 1/2 Cup carrots - cut in mixed shapes of - discs, half circle, slivers.
  • 2 Tb.spoon - Raspberry spread.
  • 1 T.spoon - vinegar.
  • 2 - green chilies - finely chopped.

Method of making Salad :-
  1. Boil beetroot in microwave for 4 minutes...drain and keep it aside.
  2. Boil Carrots in microwave for 2 minutes...drain and keep it aside.
  3. In a bowl mix Raspberry spread, vinegar, green chilies and 1 tspoon beetroot drained stock. Whisk all well and make thick dressing.
  4. Combine Beetroot, carrots, Bing cherries in a bowl. Drizzle above dressing and mix until well blended. Keep it covered with plastic wrap for half an hour before serving..... Enjoy!!!


  1. Very healthy one' just love to munch of these...

  2. Thanks Meeso.

    @ Malar, Welcome to my blog..I do remember stumbling across your blog several times.Thanks for your visit.:)

